
So that your plants give you a maximum of fruits and flowers, it is necessary to maintain, cure and enrich your plants.
Concept Azur aims to use mainly organic and natural products to respect the biodiversity of your exterior, your health, and the health of your pets.

Watering is also rigorously controlled and adapted to the seasons to reduce consumption.

We offer a wide choice of garden maintenance service or maintenance of green space:

Lawn mowing work

Grass mowing
Tall grass brushing

Trimming work

The maintenance of massive and balcony boxes.
Hurdles trimming
Fruit trees, roses and climbing plants trimming
Shrubs trimming
Trees trimming
Outside trimming
But no tall trees pruning.

Soil maintenance works

Application of fertilizers and / or enrichments
Digging, hoeing and scratching
Soil weeding
The small manual tearing

Cleaning work

The collection of leaves.
Cleaning the terraces with a high-pressure cleaner.
The evacuation of plants.

Treatment and maintenance work

Scarification of the grass.
The treatment of lawns.
The treatment of trees and shrubs.
Manual watering of plants.
Maintenance of the automatic irrigation system.
The small maintenance of the garden furniture.

We adapt our intervention of maintenance garden or maintenance green space according to your request, and by adapting us to each situation.